A service that helps improve the return rate of Alkaline batteries from users to a certain number in the US.
By providing uers convenience and leveraging their habits and efforts, we aim to make users adapt to the new life cycle system of handling dead batteries.
Peter Boatwright, Ellen Ayoob
Jan 2020-April 2020 |4 months
Phase Leader, User Researcher, UX/UI Designer, Concept Designer
Anushri Gupta, Ariel Yu, Austin Van Vark, Jiangtao Yan, Wanqiao Wang
Duracell Battery Return Service
0. Video of Our Service
1. The Prompt
How can we design a new life cycle system for disposable batteries that will significantly increase sustainability in North America?
1. Only single-use Alkaline batteries
2. No changes to the current battery technology and package
3. Can be profitable in the long run - at least the solution does not lose money
2. Research & Insights
How is the current recycle system like and why is it hard for Alkaline batteries?
How do users deal with dead batteries now and what are they thinking?
What does Duracell want and how to balance the needs of Duracell and the users?
Desktop Research
External Factors
​Current Solutions
User Research
Focus Group
Affinity Diagram
Client Inputs
Requirements Analysis
Customer Data
2.1 What We Want to Know & Need to Know
Alkaline Batteries​
General characteristics, eg.selling, storage, usage, methods of disposal, environmental damage
Internal chemical mechanism related to recycling
Battery usage habbits,
eg. purchase, storage, disposal
Current recycling behavior and efforts,
eg. Alkaline batteries, other batteries, other stuff
Thoughts & knowledge about recycling
Existing Recycle Solutions
Reasons that there are few for Alaline batteries
How the system works for recycling rechargable batteries
The stakeholders and their behaviors
Duracell & This Project
Goals, priorities and restrictions
Short term & long term plans
Partnerships & resources
Users / Retailers / Recycling Groups / Battery Companies
User Groups / Supply Chain / Duracell (internal & external) / Other Battery Companies / Goverment
To generate deeper insights from target users
Users / Retailers / Recycling Groups / Battery Companies
2.2 Key Insights
2.2.1 From Duracell and External Factors
Duracell needs the batteries from customers
Duracell is working on the tech of recycling Alkaline batteries. The problem is how to get these batteries back to Duracell.
The recycling is unlikely to make profits
Due to chemical mechanism, it is hard to make profits from recycling Alkaline batteries, which is why there are much fewer recycle plans than rechargeable batteries.
Variations of transportation regulations and recycle system
Alkaline batteries are allowed to be landfilled and the transportation is safer and cheaper compared to other types
No policy supported yet, but will be in the future
E.U. legislation authorizes companies as ‘recyclers’ if they recycle 45% or more of their own product and extract more than 50% of their raw material from recycled sources.
Based on these factors and limitations, how can we increase the return rate of dead Alkaline batteries from users?
2.2.2 From Users
1. Convenience is the key concern
"It is too much hustle to recycle."
"I don't want extra work but do wish I could help."
4. Many people store dead batteries but feel anxious
"My battery bag makes me feel cluttered, but I don't know what to do."
"I stored the old ones with the new ones and end up mixing them up."
2. People lack relevant knowledge
5. A battery is not a big deal, but the society as a whole matters
3. Some people don't trust recycling process but they don't care that much after recycling
6. Many have established recycling attitudes to other stuff
"I believe there is a proper way to dispose it but I don't know."
"Maybe Aluminum is recycled?"
"Don't want to take trouble for a small battery."
"I think everyone needs to take effort for it to make a difference."
"I think recycle program might just throw them away."
"I don't follow up after I recycle."
"I recycle bottles, can, paper. Just categorize them into the corresponding bin."
"If I already know nearby places for recycle, I would do that."
How might we encourage users to start recycling?
How might we prevent them from giving up at any point during the process?
2.3 Persona
We narrowed down our target users to two types - passive battery recyclers and active ones. Furthermore, we decided to generate ideas and concepts mainly regarding the needs of passive recyclers. Below is why we made the decision.
Sarah Johnson
Passive Battery Recycler
Those who want to recycle batteries, but only if it is passively convenient for them
Battery Usage
Remote control, lights, LED mirrors,etc.
1. Doesn't have much time or energy to recycle batteries
2. Is not willing to go out of her way just for a battery
3. Cares about environment but feels her individual impact is low
4. Feels extra good about herself when she recycles
Harry Pexel
Active Battery Recycler
Those who actively go out of their way to try to recycle batteries
Battery Usage
Musical instruments, remote controllers, photography,etc.
1. Willing to go out of hiw way to recycle batteries
2. Familiar with recycling points in the vicinity
3. Feels a responsibility to recycle and is frustrated if he doesn't
4. Is skeptical of recycling processes that seems too easy
Main Target User
passive battery recycler
active battery recycler
Active recycler
Passive recycler
Passive recyclers make up the majority of battery users
A product or service that helps them to easily recycle batteries will have a significant impact on battery return rate
If even passive recyclers are willing to use the service, it will be easier for active recyclers to recycle as well
3. Opportunities & Requirements
What are the possible opportunity gaps and how can we make full use of them?
What are the values of our solution and how to stand out from others?
Different lenses of the problem
Hundreds of "How might we"
Affinity groups for the ideas
Insights regroup for further discovery
Product Requirements
Position maps
Value analysis
Prioritized list of requirements
3.1 Key Opportunities Identification
A product/service that increases flexibility for purchase of batteries
A product/service that raises awareness and trust for recycling batteries
A product/service that reduces confusion and anxiety associated with storage of batteries
A product/service that reduces the effort required by a user to recycle batteires
Aligned with the use of batteries, user habbits, community behavior, etc.
Valuble points from user interview
Group insights for further discovery
Aligned with the use of batteries, user habbits, community behavior, etc.
3.2 Value Opportunity Analysis
Compared to existing ways of battery disposal and based on our research and ideas, we came up with a list of values that matter to our solution. We decided what values we needed to create and what we needed to maintain according to our analysis.
Values that current solutions lack but matter to users behavior
Values that current solutions have and are important to users
Values that current solutions lack but matter to users behavior
3.3 Product Requirements
Based on our insights and analysis, we decided the requirements for the solution to follow along at the later phases of ideation and design.
For Users
For Duracell
Our product positioning and analysis of competitors
Analyze and prioritize the requirements
Our product positioning and analysis of competitors
4. Ideation
How can we best interpret the needs of stakeholders into our solution?
How can we utilize the opportunity gaps we found while following the product requirements?
Bad Ideas Good Ideas Combining Ideas Downselecting User Feedback Final Concept
4.1 Challenges We Face
People want incentives instead of money
Giving them money or coupon makes them measure whether it's worth their effort.
Users who recycle want to feel like they are contributing to the environment.
There are many problems in the design of recycling mechanism itself
For Duracell, the ideal result is to get back boxes with only Duracell Alkaline batteries in it.
It is too much burden for users to sort out batteries before recycling. Therefore we need to find a balance.
The best that most people can do is to store the dead batteries
Many people already store dead batteries for the environment which is good news to our project.
It is very hard to take them one step further.
Due to the characteristic of Alkaline batteries, there is little chance to make it a profitable project
We don't expect to make profit from the solution. Our first goal is to make it pay back itself.
We need to consider the cost and effect for the short term and sustainability for the long term.
4.2 Concepts and Feedbacks
Battery Information Display
Informational, quick, logical recycling at point of purchase, see community involvement, feel immediate impact
Didn’t work
Display feels short term, will have to remember to bring batteries, batteries sold in many aisles at a store
QR Code on Packaging
Easy to use, eliminates need for research, sense of mystery associated with QR codes
Didn’t work
May tear packaging and throw it out, requires tech literacy, few locations can be discouraging
Sustainability Score Platform
One stop destination for recycling, rewards customers for recycling efforts, open platform for multiple products
Didn’t work
Easier to recycle most recyclables at home, have to download “another app”, learning a new system
Battery Drop-off Game
Reward and competition is interesting, memorable enough to bring batteries, return at point of purchase
Didn’t work
No guaranteed rewards, can be discouraging, novelty is short lived, lines may form
Unique Battery Characters
Cute, unique, adds transparency
Didn’t work
Easy to forget, character doesn’t promote recycling. might not want to track battery
Return Envelope in Package
Easy to do, don’t need to go far from home, can’t forget
Didn’t work
Shipping material feels less sustainable, might lose packaging, legal issues
4.3 Takeaways from User Feedback
User Interaction​
Recycling instructions should be on the battery or its package
The act of depositing batteries should be engaging
It should not require sign in or account creation
Battery deposits should take just about a second
Product Features
Battery deposit for recycling should be at point of purchase
The battery deposit machine should be at the main entrance or at checkout
It should offer digital incentive instead of rewards
The machine should be connected over the internet for data collection
5. Final Solution
How do we effectively solve the challenges (4.1) and find the balance?
What is our service like and how do we decide our priorities?
5.1 Overview
An easy-to-find collection kiosk that effortlessly accepts batteries and shares impactful data metrics with the community
5.2 Recycling Journey
Customer Journey
Product Reaction
Duracell Work
Scan a QR code on a battery
Locate a collection point
Deposit batteries in the kiosk
Give a sound & visual feedback
Renew the data on the screen
Receive alert when capacity is reached
Arrange for a battery transportation
5.3 Value Proposition
Collection bins already exist. What is different about this?
Clear information on how to recycle
Recycling information and locations clearly indicated on a website which is accessible via a QR code on the battery
Easy access in standard locations
Placed in major retailers like Home Depot, Walmart and Best Buy. People will be confident that there is a machine at these stores
Creation of a memorable experience
Gives a sense of positive impact which acts a reminder to carry batteries to the store in the future as well
5.4 Key Features
Responsive Web
"Lightweight" Instruction
Displays drop-off points within the users' neighborhood
Provides information about the process and purpose of the battery recycling
Gives clear instructions on how to recycle in a few quick steps
Data transparency
Batteries deposited locally, regionally, and nationwide
No contribution too small
Even a few batteries quickly help “fill” a new battery
Engaging animations
Battery character reacts to deposits, building a sense of impact
Credit to green partners
Praise retail partners for their willingness to support the initiative
Internal Mechanism
Quick and easy collection of batteries
Motion sensor
Indicates the flow of batteries
Measure weight for battery quantity estimation
Data Base
Connection Machine
Connective Method
Option 1: Retailer Wifi
Free but requires retailer participation and security
Option 2: Cellular
$2.69 per month on Particle
Central Database
Database Fields
Machine ID
Number of Batteries (est)
5. Business Plan
Based on our solution and service plan, what is the business plan like?
What do we care most and what can we improve?
Variable Costs
Costs of hardwares
Shipping Cost Per Battery
Machine capacity
Shipment weight
Package characters
MVP Coverage Cost
Number of retailers Machines in the pilot city
Expected Battery Volume
~100 million batteries
US population
Battery usage
Predicted recycling deposit rate
Fixed Costs
Cost Per Battery
Nationwide Coverage Cost
Volume Discounting
$1,246 - $2,266 per machine
Database structuring
QA testing
UI/UX creation
Expected battery volume
Number of years
Total program cost
Number of retailers
Machines nationwide
Fixed cost from manufacturing 1 machine to 10,000
6. Road Map & Usability Test Plan
How long will it take to bring the mature product to the market?
What is the goal of the MVP usability test and what is the plan?
6.1 Road Map
6-12 months
12 months
3 months
2 months
Home Depot
Best Buy
Existing Shipping Partners
MVP Usability Test
Testing the MVP at a selected city to collect data and evaluate the solution
Check Points & Refinement
Testing the MVP at a selected city to collect data and evaluate the solution
Refinements on the solution based on MVP test
Exit Strategy
Recycle the kiosk products and move on with a handful of customer data and positive press image
R & D
Minimal viable product
Go nationwide.
Collect larger data and keep monitoring the system
Instant and continuous adjustment on the following aspects
Kiosk screen display
Website content
Program promotion
6.2 MVP Usability Test Plan
Test assumptions (~350,000 batteries)
Data of users as the evaluation indicator of the solution
Selected Location​
Greater Indianapolis Area
One of the cities with the least recycle rate nationwide
Large enough to be representative
45 testing sites at partnered retail stores
Evaluation Metrics​
Recycling of Alkaline Batteries​
Number/weight of batteries collected at each site
Number of batteries deposited by each user
Fluctuation in battery amounts being disposed in the kiosk
Time taken for the collection box to fill up
Human Computer Interaction​
User and system interaction
Profiles of users interacting with the system
Number of users interacting with the system
Website data (Number of visits, bounce rate, average time on each page, goal process)